Shooting at Virginia Tech

<p>I’m watching the same thing you are (VT press conference)…they just said they won’t confirm it’s the shooter, however they are no longer searching for the shooter and said to ‘read between the lines’.</p>

<p>(FWIW, my first post was prior to the press conference and my source was Washington DC FOX news channel 5.)</p>

<p>The most important thing right now is that the VT community is able to breath easier and their families know their students are safe. My heart goes out to all who have had to go through this today.</p>

<p>I assume that they would not let the students out if they were not confident about the identity of the shooter.
I am so saddened for the family of the police officer.</p>

<p>For those who are not local and my not see the news conference…the word is they are now not willing to confirm the second dead is the shooter (yet), however they are no longer looking for the shooter and said to “read between the lines”. All lockdowns are lifted and they feel the university community is safe. </p>

<p>source: VT news conference</p>

<p>This is horrible. My thoughts are with the families of the officer and shooter. CCers from Virginia Tech, I hope you’re all doing as safe and well as possible.</p>

<p>I was stuck in D2 at lunch with a few professors and other students, but I’m okay! Campus has been pretty quiet today.</p>

<p>So basically this is another Morva-type incident. Guy kills a cop and happens to be on VT’s campus. Hope the gunman wasn’t a student.</p>

<p>Lots of varied information floating around. Apparently there was an armed robbery/stolen vehicle in Radford (10 mi away) the day before. Suspect was a white male who matches the description of the shooter and who the police believed was armed and dangerous. Has anyone else heard of the connection being made between the two incidents? I feel so sad for this policeman’s family. 5 children left behind. </p>

<p>Just in this morning’s paper alone there are headlines for the shooting on I-95, reports of a rape acquittal at Univ. of Richmond, shots fired at Hampden Sydney and Univ of Richmond, and this story. Such a violent world we live in…heartbreaking really.</p>

<p>The guy that carjacked someone the other day IS the guy that they found dead in the cage parking lot. They had the person who was carjacked come down and ID the body, although I don’t know if they actually know who he is. This is according to the guy who runs TSL, who has absolutely no history of making stuff up, so I’m taking it as fact. Here’s his quote if I can get my phone to copy and paste correctly:</p>

<p>Car stolen yesterday belonged to a friend of mine here in Radford.</p>

<p>My friend was called to come to the Cage and identify the body as</p>

<p>being that of the guy who stole my friend’s car. My friend positively</p>

<p>ID’d the body.</p>

<p>Fill in the blanks.</p>

<p>I think I heard that they said the man was a VT student…</p>

<p>I hadn’t seem any confirmation of that but I may have missed it. Hope not.</p>

<p>The school has said the shooter was not a VT student.</p>

<p>[Virginia</a> Tech shooter not a student, spokesman says -](<a href=“]Virginia”></p>

<p>Too bad the shooter got away with it. Five kids don’t have their dad any more because this piece of garbage wasn’t content with just taking his own life, he had to take someone else’s as well. </p>

<p>RIP Officer Crouse.</p>

<p>Received this in our email today.</p>



<p>Our DD was in the lockdown and escorted out by SWAT. There were snippets on the news of them coming in and telling students just to listen them and all will be okay.</p>

<p>3 X I have seen DD on TV, 1X at a BBall game, 1X at FB, and unfortunately this morning hearing her being briefed by them for their own safety. We knew yesterday afternoon via text that they asked them to put away their phones, and it would be her last text until they were cleared. </p>

<p>I have yet to hear if other finals will be cancelled, or is it just today?</p>

<p>I highly doubt they cancel finals. While this was a tragedy because an officer died no students were actually involved (besides the witnesses) so they’ll probably just reschedule everything. This is on par with the Morva incident, but Morva happens pre-4/16 so there wasn’t such a reaction. And we had classes the day after Morva.</p>

<p>I am sure you’re right because DD had only 1 in class final (15th), the rest were papers, so I would think she would change her last day there if all finals were cancelled.</p>

<p>Today’s exams were moved to tomorrow (Saturday); the remainder of the exam schedule remains the same.</p>

<p>[Gunman</a> Identified in VT Murder-Suicide | Facebook](<a href=“]Gunman”>Redirecting...) </p>

<p>Note from VA PD regarding killer’s identity</p>

<p>[A</a> Defense of a different sort. | The Key Play](<a href=“]A”>A Defense of a different sort. | The Key Play)
[Statistics</a> on Crime Rates in Blacksburg and at Virginia Tech, compared to…](<a href=“]Statistics”></p>

<p>Just a few links being passed around the student community; worth a read. The crime rate in Richmond is astonishing :-(</p>

<p>this is a bad school to go to</p>

<p>Penn State
Ohio State
Virginia Tech


<p>What’s sad it is that you would judge a school by the actions of a few individuals. What’s even sadder is that your memory for judging “bad schools” is about a month. I’m sure if we went far back enough in time, we’d be able to find a story about some individual affiliated with just about every college and university that would place them all on your “bad school” list. C’mon, get real. None of these stories reflect on the school or the quality of education, they expose the behaviors and in some cases, the attitudes of certain individually at the school. In most case, individually that 99% of the student population would never have any interaction with…think about it…</p>