
<p>My H has always railed against being out late at night. Yes, bad things can happen at all hours, but late at night there are just more problems…more people drinking, more tempers flaring, etc. </p>

<p>When we lived in Calif, we worked in a very bad area in LA. When we first started working there, we asked fellow employees if they were scared to come to work in the morning. They said, “no, the trouble-makers are still asleep from being out all night causing trouble.” Our work hours were 7am - 3:30pm…so we were “out of there” pretty much before any trouble-makers were awake. The exception was during the LA riots of 1992…a co-worker was shot in the parking lot…thankfully, he survived. The company then closed down for a few days.</p>

<p>So, no matter where you live or go to school, being out late has its risks…avoid as much as you can.</p>

<p>My late father used to say:</p>

<p>“The girls may get prettier at closing time, but your late-night actions may not seem so pretty when examined in the cold light of day.”</p>

<p>My 1970’s-era experiences in college bore that out.</p>

<p>Especially the exposure to drivers who should not have been sharing the roads.</p>

<p>I’m on campus for the summer for the REU program and I just now found out about this from my dad on Facebook. I don’t know how I missed this! Praying for all those injured.</p>



<p>M2CK, we lived in a nice, safe area of Pasadena during the Rodney King riots, and a liquor store a few blocks away was set on fire and there was a lot of gunfire a mile or so away - there was no sense to what was going on at that time.</p>

<p>My H wanted to know why they didn’t lock down campus as shooter remained at large mid morning.</p>

<p>Also what about that REU poster living on campus currently. No notification at all?</p>

<p>M2CK, glad you son is OK. </p>

<p>I have similar experiences with going into “bad” areas as a home care nurse. Those appointments were scheduled in the morning, and we were out of the area by the time schools let out in the area.</p>

<p>Since Gold and Blue is living on campus in the dorms he must have an ACT card for access to the dorms and would therefore should have a MyBama to load money to the ACT card. Perhaps he doesn’t have the emergency contact info set up correctly to receive texts? Didn’t check email? It wasn’t clear from his post. It is a valid concern that should be looked into to identify what happened.</p>

<p>As far as locking down the campus, I’m not sure why they didn’t and both my sister and I asked the same question yesterday. I’m guessing since it wasn’t on campus perhaps the decision was made with the guidance of law enforcement, but that’s purely speculation. I do know my D received texts alerts and emails about the shooting and I received emails.</p>

<p>When there was an altercation on the strip in the wee hours of the morning last semester there were text and email alerts sent out but the campus wasn’t on lock down…of course most people were sleeping at that time and those involved were quickly apprehended.</p>

<p>My husband worked in downtown ATL at the state capital when the Rodney King verdict came out. They were on lockdown for a while due to rioting in the streets where a few cars were overturned. Law enforcement did a great job taking control and snuffing it out before things got any crazier and evacuated state workers from the buildings in the surrounding area.</p>

<p>H said they locked down VT last year when there was an incident off-campus. I don’t remember details of the incident. I’m sure they will be very/over cautious for a long time.</p>

<p>The fact that this was close to campus & an assault rifle makes me wonder if that would have been prudent. Perhaps they had a good handle on who it was & circumstances by the am?</p>

<p>Good point about Blue at the REU.</p>

<p>My H wanted to know why they didn’t lock down campus as shooter remained at large mid morning.</p>

<p>?? </p>

<p>Don’t know if there’s a guideline for how far away an incident occurs and lockdown? this was over a mile away. A school may not be able to lockdown every time an incident occurs that’s outside a certain radius.</p>

<p>“close to campus” is a relative term. If this had happened within a block or two of campus, then maybe it would have done a lock-down. How far is “close to campus” when a school is in a densely populated area???</p>

<p>maybe if it had happened during the day??? </p>

<p>Maybe there wasn’t any assumption that since this happened in the middle of the night, and the suspect fled, that he would go to the campus? </p>

<p>As for Gold and Blue…as a REU student from another school, perhaps she’s not onthe text alert system. If not, maybe Bama needs to start including visiting students. If this happened during Bama Bound, I doubt all the BB attendees would have gotten texts either.</p>

<p>*They had gone into CopperTop first, but said they left because it had an “older crowd” there. *</p>

<p>Yipes!!! Their guardian angels were working overtime!!!</p>

<p>So glad they’re safe!</p>

<p>Yup! Someday I’ll have to tell you about my son’s patron saint.</p>

<p>It’s probably my own fault I didn’t get any sort of notification lol. I didn’t get an email about it, but I’m guessing there is some sort of emergency notification system that I forgot to sign up for. At my home university, we have a system that sends out both emails and texts in case of an emergency. Found out that it was pretty effective when we thought we had a gunman on our campus last year (turned out it was a BB gun, but that’s beside the point).</p>

<p>Has there been further information on the suspect or the conditions of the victims?</p>

<p>Can’t find anything by searching…</p>


<p>So far, there haven’t been any deaths. I believe that one person is in critical condition. </p>

<p>the shooter had a “death wish”…he had hoped that the police would shoot him dead.</p>

<p>“Suicide by COP” I think it is called.</p>

<p>Why not just confront a police officer(s) directly? I guess that would just be too logical for most of these disturbed individuals.</p>

<p>So sad. I will continue my prayers, as I add those in Aurora to the list.</p>