
<p>CNN - 31.</p>

<p>My prayers are with all of you. Stay strong.</p>

<p>-Jenn, Drew University</p>

<p>My son's HS has many graduated students there now. His classes today here in PW county, were filled with people text messaging with friends seems that most of people are OK. There are 2 friends that haven't checked in. The teachers were worried as much as the kids. They were happy to hear that kids checking in with old friends. </p>

<p>My son's close friend is in Pritchard Dorm, he was on his way to math this morning saw people jumping out of the 4th floor of AJ Dorm. His mom called this morning because we haven't had power in 12 hours, she hasn't had been able to get through. "all circuits are busy"</p>

<p>PW county has cancelled all afterschool sports/meetings.</p>

<p>Any ID on the gunman? Apparently Fox is reporting he is Asian .</p>

<p>omG...........i want to cry my brains out seriously. i have over 13 friends that go to vt i hope they're ok :-'(</p>

<p>I was considering this school to apply to, but after today, it was been crossed off my list.</p>

<p>Police dropped the ball on this one.
2 shootings in less than 3 hours. One gunmen, where are the campus police. He should not have gotten away from the dorm. </p>

<p>God bless the HOKIES.</p>

<p>CBS news...I'll post a link as soon as I find it again</p>

<p>Apparently they didn't start investigating or consider canceling classes until 2 hours later? Did I hear that right?</p>

<p>They started the investigation and while that was going on , the gunman went over to Norris Hall and there was where the second shooting occured. In those two hours , something should have been done. Police got to know of the first shooting at 7 15 while the 2nd shooting occured at 9 15.</p>

I was considering this school to apply to, but after today, it was been crossed off my list.


<p>Why? I have no ties to Virginia Tech but that line of logic makes absolutely no sense. Something like this could have happened at any University, and while 32+ dead is horrible, there are thousands of students at Virginia Tech. You might want to avoid college altogether if you are scared of taking a risk. Hundreds of college kids die every year in car accidents. </p>

<p>Charles Whitman killed 15 people and injured 31 more at the University of Texas but did that make UT less safe in future years? Certainly not. Virginia Tech will probably be the safest campus in the nation after this tragedy.</p>

<p>I agree with VectorWega. Virginia Tech will no doubt increase security measures in the light of what has just happened and the chances of it happening again are very slim. </p>

<p>VectorWega , I think this is just the initial reaction. Once this boils down , Virginia Tech will continue to be a top choice for many applicants.</p>

<p>Seriously, this could have been at any school. What are the chances of you getting shot. There are 26,000 students there and out of that 32 were shot and actually killed. And after this tragedy, the school is more likely to have a safer campus. I don't understand why people think like that. I just visited the campus this last Saturday and I was just amazed at the size and beauty of the school. Rejecting a school because of one unfortunate event that might lead to a safer future for you and others students just doesn't make any sense. It would be another story if you found the professors unhelpful, classes too big, or people unfriendly - but to reject a school based on one unfortunate event?</p>

<p>is anyone not going bc of this bc although that i was most likely not going to vt anyway, when i got home my dad said im not going no matter waht</p>

<p>This event is so sad, especially since there was another shooting at VT last August. My heart goes out to everyone at VT and Blacksburg.</p>

<p>I just don't get some parents - where's the logic behind all of this? What about the future. After the unfortunate 9/11 - airport security (and others) was increased as well as all our taxes. Same concept here (except we don't know/think this was a terrorist attack). When unfortunate events happen - precautions and measures are taken to prevent it in the future.</p>

<p>but this tragic event will definitely decrease enrollment.</p>

<p>my prayers go out to anybody affiliated with va tech and the families and friends of the injured and deceased :T</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>It is a very tragic event but you won't be able to prevent these things in the future by increasing on-campus security. But I'm not in the mood of discussing's just too sad.</p>

<p>This is for VT Engineer. Want to hear from you. Are you okay?</p>

<p>Does anybody else think the press conference is going badly for the police and campus security? I am only watching bits and pieces so am I just seeing the bad parts?</p>