
<p>Nikolas Macko was in a mathematics class in Norris Hall when they heard a series of loud bangs in the hallway which prompted a female student sitting near the door to move to close it.</p>

<p>"She peeked out into the hallway, and saw the shooter, so she immediately closed the door. Three other students moved a table that was in front of the room - it seats approximately 40 students at capacity - and barricaded it against the door.</p>

<p>"A few seconds later, the shooter tried to open the door, but my classmates kept it well shut, as they held the table against it from floor level.</p>

<p>"The shooter shot the door twice at chest level, which resulted in two holes in the door, one of which hit the podium in the front of the class room and the other continued out the window. At this point he reloaded, shot the door again - this shot did not penetrate - and moved on to the other classrooms," Mr Macko added.</p>

<p>Not Verified.</p>

<p>Above info was from BBC</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Press Conference is going allright. They are falling a bit when questioned about why the campus was not put in lockdown after the first shooting.</p>

<p>i do think this will effect enrollment. however, i do not think it should. its not like this a common thing. this is a one time act done by a single person. I was accepted to VT, but i had already crossed it off my final list for other reasons prior to this tragedy. if it was still on my list, i would try my hardest to consider the school without considering the shooting as a negative. Also, if i had already decided to attend VT, this would not have changed my decision. </p>

<p>VT is a great school with great people and an awsome campus. My thoughts and prayers go out to the entire VT community. I know many people who attend VT, and many people with loved ones at VT, and my thoughts and prayers go out to all of them as well.</p>

<p>gomez95...that's a true story. A friend of an older gentleman who was also in the class told the same scenerio</p>

<p>I agree - it shouldn't affect enrollment. The campus will become A LOT more vigilant about security, compared with other campuses, a deterrent against any future potential gunmen on VA Tech.</p>

<p>Nonetheless, people are irrational creatures.</p>

<p>If you're desperate enough, security isn't going to be able to stop you no matter what campus you're on. I don't think this makes it any less safe and I agree with some people who said that they're going to make it more secure. Wasn't there a shooting back in August though?</p>

<p>First and foremost, my prayers go to Virginia Tech and everyone effected by this senseless crime.</p>

<p>Second, this shouldn't effect enrollment, but it will. When people enroll they will have the images and thought that, "whoah, 33 people were killed here."</p>

<p>Third, it seems that the media is trying to turn these 33 deaths into a gun debate. If someone like this criminal, is dead set on killing they will kill. Banning guns is retarded, only law abiding citizens follow laws and stipulations. And now they are trying to say that Virginia's lax gun laws and the lack of ban on extended clips lead to this. </p>

<p>Also there is no proof that the first victims were related to the second shooting.</p>

Second, this shouldn't effect enrollment, but it will. When people enroll they will have the images and thought that, "whoah, 33 people were killed here."


Not only that, but if they tell people in other universities about it, the people in the other universities may ask questions related to the shooting.</p>

<p>But VA Tech will survive, like Columbine did.</p>

Third, it seems that the media is trying to turn these 33 deaths into a gun debate. If someone like this criminal, is dead set on killing they will kill. Banning guns is retarded, only law abiding citizens follow laws and stipulations. And now they are trying to say that Virginia's lax gun laws and the lack of ban on extended clips lead to this.


<p>Where is the gun debate going on? I have been watching CNN and Fox and haven't seen anything like that. This is certainly not the time for that anyways.</p>

<p>Two shootings in two could they let this happen!!!!!????...I hope it was not terror attack
God bless Virgina Tech</p>

I agree whith most of your post except for the last's only logical to deduce that two shootings happened on the same campus in relatatively the same manner in a short amount of time on the same day would obviously be related. The chances of that happening and not being is greater than winning the lottery.</p>


<p>Shooting comparison. From my knowledge the first shooting involved 2 students who were shot and killed by one gunmen. There was no rampage, 2 killed is a travesty but the brazen disregard for life is not the same. He could have killed more people in their dorms, with no police around he could have literally killed everyone on every floor. </p>

<p>Also, I have read that people who were a one floor up from the shooting didn't hear it, they only knew after their resident advisor told them. This leads me to believe that the weapon used in the first killing was muffled. Showing two different degrees of premeditation and regard.</p>

<p>I hate that this happened. It's messed up for the lack of better words.</p>

<p>My prayers to all affected.</p>

<p>this is the most pathetic excuse of security i have ever seen, jump on them now and blame the school for this crap</p>

<p>Keep in mind that the previous deadliest mass shooting in US history was at Luby's. I've been to Luby's dozens of times since then and I've never been there when there wasn't at least one cop eating there (generally several). Since that horrible event, Luby's has been one of the safest places to eat period.</p>

<p>Also, if anyone remember the Tylenol crisis of 1982, 7 people died because some Tylenol capsules were laced with cyanide. To make a long story short, Tylenol (Johnson and Johnson) recalled all of it's capsules and was the first to market with tamper proof containers, making Tylenol the safest in the industry.</p>

<p>I want to hear from a student. This Virginia form was dead.</p>

<p>This was not the police's fault, it's the school's fault for not getting the kids out of there when they had the chance to. Two hours apart, opposite sides of campus, big campus... ***?! It's amazing how poor their judgement was. Once everything is sorted out, I hope every single person in charge of "security" or "administration" is fired. They could have helped save at least 31 lives. Tragic.</p>

<p>Also, I would not attend here, nor send my kids here. Irrational maybe, but VT's had problems before.</p>


<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

according to the Chicago Tribune, when the gunman committed the first two murders he then called authorities and made a bomb threat for Norris Hall before going in there and committing the rest of the murders. I don't know what they mean by authorities, but if they mean the police then they are also to blame.
Your right about adimistration, this guy had a history like setting the dorm room on fire and stalking, that should have been handled from the beginning.</p>