Shoreline Community College VS North Seattle College (NSC)

My dream is to transfer to a 4-year-university from community college. But I’m not sure which cc is better: NSC or SCC, especially for Computer Science major.

Can any of you give more information about the pros and cons of attending Shoreline vs NSC? For example the schools, transportation, facilities, classes, teachers, etc


Both Shoreline and North Seattle are going to provide you with most of the Computer Science courses you need to transfer with an Associate of Science degree.

North Seattle College is part of the larger Seattle Colleges system (, composed of North, Central and South Colleges, so there are more resources behind this system, compared to one community college. North Seattle is primarily composed of a single gargantuan building, so everything is quite close to each other. It is also in walking distance to light rail and bus lines, so it can be easier to get to via public transportation.

Shoreline is a little further north of Seattle, and a little further away from the main arterial I-5. It is composed of many small buildings spread across a wooded area, so the overall environment feels much less urban. It may be a longer walk between classes in different buildings, compared to North Seattle.

One thing you REALLY need to pay attention to is the preferred programming language(s) used by the Computer Science Department at the college(s) you intend to transfer into. Both North Seattle and Shoreline only offer Java-based classes, which will be great if you intend to transfer into a Java-oriented Baccalaureate program. On the other hand, you will be at a disadvantage if you hope to transfer into a C++ -based program.

Bottom Line: I would go to North Seattle, mostly because they have 200-level Computer Science courses, but Shoreline does not. If I was hoping to transfer into a non-Java university, I would go to neither of these colleges.