Short Answers- Two Lines?

<p>Do we really have to keep it to two lines, as long as it fits in the space allotted?</p>

<p>I don’t think all of mine were 2 lines :P</p>

<p>just make sure that you do the print preview thing and make sure nothing’s cut off. a couple of mine had to be shortened/reformatted because of that.</p>

<p>err two lines? …
It asks for 300 characters? O.o</p>

<p>ditto hopefulhearted</p>

<p>On the supplement it says:

:slight_smile: I mean it would make a lot more sense to take up the 300 characters, particularly because 300 characters is way more than two lines.</p>

<p>if you can find some way to fit 300 characters into two lines, that’s awesome, BUT… anything beyond two lines will be cut off and they won’t see it. and then they’ll probably think you’re silly for not checking and following directions :)</p>

<p>wow did i interpret the prompt wrong? I didn’t write a single one as a complete sentence and all of my answers were only a few words… like my “What is the significant challenge society faces today” answer was only four words long…</p>

<p>well if you screwed up, so did i.
most of mine were only a couple of words.</p>

<p>Heheh you sillies! :wink: Click “print preview” so you can see what the real supplement looks like, and you’ll see what “2 lines or less” means</p>

<p>Oh wait - hopefulhearted already said that
ignore me :frowning: haha</p>

<p>Well- uh. So I still have a day to decide, what do you guys suggest I do? I really only go over for the first and second questions because I list them and return to the next line for the next category.</p>

<p>Yeah, this bugged the hell out of me too. They say two lines but, when you print preview, there is a lot more space. I just left my answers short because that is what they said.</p>

<p>A couple of words was all I had and a quote as well.</p>

<p>OMG, now I am wondering if I screwed it up… T.T
I took up four lines in each (at least 4). They all fit though… (in the print preview)</p>

<p>yeah i kept them two lines or less except for the summer one and the movies/shows/whatever listing one 'cause… i don’t know why lol. this bugged me too :/</p>

<p>w/e… i hope they don’t ding me for this…</p>

<p>eatsalot, that’s exactly what i have right now too. i mean… i have three categories for the first one (authors, films, musicians&composers) and three important summer programs, so it really works out better in three lines. :/</p>

<p>well shoooot. :frowning: I didn’t notice the “two line” limit or the print preview function, and I submitted hours ago. All my responses were basically THE character limit, so every single response got majorly cut off. I emailed them about it, but I seriously doubt they’ll let me fix it. poooo.</p>

<p>oh update- i sent mine 2 days ago all within 2 lines… i just shortened them :)</p>