Short Jobs

<p>Over the course of my years in high school, I've had 2 jobs that were very short lived--not due to my own fault, but just because I wasn't needed anymore. I've also had one consistent summer job.</p>

<p>One of my short jobs was a substitute babysitting gig--10 hours a week, but it only lasted a month, since I was, after all, just substituting. If I do refer to it as "substitute babysitter", will adcoms understand why its only a month long?</p>

<p>My other was 2 months of tutoring--the job started towards the end of the school year, and I wasn't needed again the following year. Again, does it look ok that its a short time span? </p>

<p>Also, its possible that I may get a new tutoring job come this September. I assume I should list that separately from the previous tutoring job, rather than lumping it all into "tutoring" and putting a longer time span?</p>

<p>Just list each job separately, and I don't think you need to distinguish substituting. It's still a job that you had. The short life of your jobs isn't really a big issue anyway. Most teens don't keep a job for more than 2 years.</p>

<p>Any more thoughts?</p>


<p>Length of jobs for teens is not important.</p>