shot At GT

<p>Ethnicity ; EAstErn EuropEAn
gpA ; 3.71 (unweightEd)/(strAitE A's sophmorE +junior yEAr)
SAt's (took it oncE)
Writing; 710 </p>

<pre><code> PreviosE A.P's tAkEn (ExAm grAdE); A.P chem-4 A.P world history -5 A.P us history-5

      Senior yEAr coursEs 
        A.P stAt.
        A.P lAtin;virgil 
        A.P cAlc Ab 
        A.P physics b
        Wriring SeminAr honors 
        Religion SeminAr honors 


<p>sAt 2's
bio ;molecular-700
chEmistry ;760
us History ; 800
Math II;710( took it sick so mAby should rEtAkE it )</p>

<pre><code> ExtrA curriculArs
Senior Editor of sports on nEwspAper
Editor of yEArbook
cAptAin of mAth tEAm
spEEch And dEbAtE (nEvEr did Anything though just wAs in thE picturE And rostEr)
NationAl honor sociEty PresidEnt
HavE done somE tutoring And community sErvicE+tutoring

PresidEnt of thE AlbAninAn club

   Not Alot hAvEn't donE much 
        lAtin 2 prose cum lAudE
        latin 3 poEtry summa cum lAudE

       cAtchE--wAs brought to AmericA from A wAr torn nnAtion At 2 yEArs old. 

           Also i'm Applying to --Umich. Boston collEgE, u chicAgo ,PomonA, nyu, And bErkEly ; cAn i gEt my shot At thEm too??


<p>sorry About thE cAp i'm ocd About thEm !!</p>

<p>wAit typo bif one At thAt gpA ActuAll 3.91</p>

<p>Why did you capitalize those letters? If you honestly have OCD and it compells you to do that, you should seek help.</p>

<p>Your Latin will help, and you grades/scores are ok. Being Eastern European won't warrant you any URM boost, but it is interesting. Which country?</p>

<p>MY GPA, test scores, and EC's were better then yours and I got defferred at Gtown. You have the same chance as anyone else, roughly 20%. I truly believe that some of it is just luck of the draw.</p>

<p>if you were ocd about them.. wouldnt you capitalize all the Es?</p>

<p>i don't think i'm rEAly ocd but mAby just vEry supErsticiosE i know thAt word is mispEllEd but w/E</p>

<p>lol daviban, someone sounds bitter.
Everyone doesn't have a 20% chance at Gtown, btw</p>

<p>I am not bitter, I am very happy with the acceptances I did receive. Gtown was not my first choice. My GC talked to admissions and evidently my geographic area was extremely over represented this year which made our percentages even less. Also, the collegeboard sent my very crappy SAT II scores instead of my AP scores as requested. That worked out well though since they refunded my money for all the test scores I had requested (AP and SAT II's). The admission rate is 20% and most people have comparable stats. Does legacy make a difference? Maybe. Athletic recruitment? Absolutely. Living in an underrepresented area? Yes. Checking the box that you are applying for financial aid? I believe so. Most applicants, however, are on a fairly level playing field. The bottom line is that the majority of applicants are more then qualified for admission at elite schools. That is why so many students shotgun applications to HYP etc. hoping to get into at least one yet qualified for all.</p>

<p>i'm just afrAid thAt i bustEd my butt for nothing , so i wAnt somEthing to give mE confidencE Anything rEAlly!!</p>

<p>Hey, I agree with daviban. I applied early to GU, had great (imo) stats and got deferred, but sometimes its the luck of the draw.</p>

<p>daviban's not bitter, its true
I had better stats etc. and was deferred by GTOWN
its a random process because there are sooooo many applicants, they can basically pick whoever they feel like</p>

<p>For some people, Georgetown is a safety... For others it's a reach. That's just because some people have extraordinary stats, much betters than others, and that's just how it goes. Admissions can definitely be random, but only to a degree. I know several people who applied to Georgetown as a safety and were accepted, so if you're insanely talented, you'll get in.</p>

<p>with<em>one</em>voice you are delusional. There was a student in our school last year who had a perfect ACT score and was 10 points shy of a perfect SAT score. He had more EC's then anyone I have ever met and volunteered everywhere. Needless to say he was valedictorian of his class which had nearly 700 people. He is also a gifted musician. He was defferred by Georgetown, denied by Harvard and Brown, waitlisted at Yale, accepted at Princeton and Stanford. Admissions has tons of variables. Had he lived in Alabama he may have gotten in everywhere. You say Georgetown is a safety for some, there is no guarantee for anyone. If the person who believes Georgetown is a safety (or any other prestigious school) is from an area that had 600 people apply and 500 have exceptional stats they will not all get in. Sometimes it comes down to males versus females to try and keep things equal. A friend of the family is an Admissions Officer at a very good institution and he says sometimes they decide by a student's name. He stated that the committee gets so tired and the arguments go on for so long that on occassion if they are looking at 50 qualified candidates from the same area someone will say -we haven't admitted a girl named Kelsey yet and the rest of the committee will say, done deal, next. Stating that Georgetown or any Ivy is a safety school is pompous and simply not true.</p>