First off I have absolutely no idea where to post this exactly, so feel free to direct me to a new forum
I recently graduated from a local community college with an associate’s degree in General Studies (yeah, probably not my smoothest move ever but it’s over with), and I now attend an actual university. The problem is, I’m debating on whether or not I can “reverse transfer” back to my original community college and get these “core” classes knocked out, if even possible. The reason I say this is because it would most likely be less expensive, and more convenient (living -5 minutes from the community college, as opposed to 4 hours at this college).
Would this even be possible? Taking possibly a year and a half to get these core classes knocked out at my community college? Would they transfer back to the university? I’ve never heard of anyone doing this, but my adviser said it would be simple really (most of it just involves re-sending transcripts). I’m not sure of what to do, any suggestions? Should I move back to my community college that I pretty much just graduated from, and work on taking core classes for my university? Can you even do this?
I really need some input here because I’m lost in so many ways I can’t begin to describe. I have to take quite an excess amount of these business classes, and I’m not sure attending a full-fledged university would be the smartest move ever right now when I could just take these classes back at my local community college…
Help? Advice? Suggestions?