Should I add running a KPOP fanbase to my ECs?

I help run a twitter fanbase for a kpop idol. It has 20k+ followers and organizes streaming parties, votings, trending hashtags, and creating events. I’m interested in getting and Marketing and International Business double major. Would it be effective to add it or would it seem bad since it’s for “kpop”? What should I say in place of “Kpop”?

Absolutely - just be very accurate with the # of followers and your engagements. Also be clear what you mean by “help run” - clearly define your responsibilities.


Yes! Very relevant.

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Agree with everyone. Add it to your activities. And why would K-Pop be bad? My daughter’s Marching Band did a tribute show to BTS this past fall and the show went viral. They loved doing the show and they loved connecting with BTS fans (are they called the army?) around the world. Music brings us all together.

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Absolutely!!! It makes you stand out. How many other applicants will have this? None. AO’s will remember this!