Should I apply ED to Brown?

<p>or should I apply ED elsewhere? My dad's a professor there, so I have a legacy, but I don't think it will be enough.</p>

<p>Asian male junior, upper middle class, from a public school considered academically rigorous.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.9 W by end of year (almost certainly) 3.65 UW (I think, I'm not certain how Brown calculates.)</p>

<p>SAT: 2100
W:740 R:710 M:650
Lit:700 (may retake) USH:i think I can get close to an 800, I know the stuff REALLY well.</p>

<p>AP: UShistory junior year (I'll get at least a 4, I can't imagine any less) next year Lit, Economics, Bio</p>

-Piano since 9 years old, competed advanced for three years, no awards, competed standard 3 years, two awards.
-Cross-country, winter track, spring track: since sophmore year, varsity letter will be obtained at end of Junnior year.
-youth counselor at drug free summer conference
-youth leader for town drug awareness program, head of fundraising
-started magazine on ethnic minority culture, editor in chief now.
-contributor and editor for literary magazine
-philosophy club, for three years
-mock trial, sophmore year only
-speaker for new students coming into middle school and highschool
-Academic decathalon: awards in Literature, Art, and Speech sections
-National Honor Society
-30+ hours of various voluntering
- I'm gonna either take the Kenyon Review Young Writer's Workshop or a 7 week Creative Non-Fiction credit course at Brown. </p>

<p>Interview: yes
Essay: my English teacher said she loved it, it's about my dad and how I thought he gave up on me because I suck at math and science.
Reccomendations: Good, I participate a lot in class and one of my teachers is my advisor for the magazine I run.</p>

<p>Other colleges I'm considering for ED or RD: Grinnell, Kenyon, Oberlin, NYU, Macalester, Wesleyan, Bard, Brandeis, Bates, Hamilton, Carleton, Colby
Can you tell the colleges where I have a solid chance of admission? And the not so good chances?</p>

<p>I know this is kind of early for me to do this, but I am nervous about applying to Brown ED. I'd only be applying because of legacy. I'm wondering if I should apply ED to a college elsewhere. </p>

<p>P.S. Can you tell me which summer course is better looking for college? the Kenyon workshop is harder to get in, but only two weeks, and the Brown course is easier to get in, but seven weeks.</p>

<p>correction: I have no idea how UW GPA is calculated at my school. Just ignore that number I guess.
If it helps, I take all honors classes except for math. the exception was my freshmen year, where I took advanced algebra 2.</p>

<p>Isn’t your dad in the best position to tell you your odds? Some schools are big on taking staff kids and others are not. Some profs have more pull than others. I think you understand that your stats would not get you in without the connection, so how is anyone here supposed to know how powerful it is?</p>

<p>a 1360/1600 might be a little low, but your dad working there helps alot…try taking the sat over again? can’t hurt…</p>

<p>Brown admission stats:</p>

<p>[Brown</a> Admission: Facts & Figures](<a href=“Undergraduate Admission | Brown University”>Undergraduate Admission | Brown University)</p>