<p>I really want to go to Johns Hopkins University because of its notorious pre-med/med program. I've heard that the acceptance rate is higher for ED than regular admission, but I'm not sure if I should apply because of the following reasons:</p>
<p>-I don't have a high SAT score(1800/2400, first test taken). I will retake it in October and I'm confident that I'll get above 2000 since I'm taking a prep class.
-I haven't taken my SATIIs. However, since the SAT won't be offered in September this year, I don't have a chance to take them because I have to take my SATI :(
-I might need my senior fall grades to boost my GPA. (I have a 4.1, maybe a 4.2 now)</p>
<p>I am very interested in medicine and I've been volunteering/interning at a hospital since sophomore year. Maybe that helps a little?
Please give me some advice, I really need help right now!!
Thanks a lot!!! :)</p>
<p>I don’t think your going to get into Johns Hopkins. First, your SAT score is low. You definitely need to get a 2000+ to have a chance. Second, it doesn’t seem like you have any standout extracurriculars. Sure, volunteering and interning at a hospital is great but so many other applicants have probably done the same thing. You need something that makes you stand out. Lastly, not taking any subject tests may work against you: “Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit up to three SAT subject tests”.</p>
<p>Thank you for your reply:) For my SAT I’ll retake it in Oct. And I do have standout extracurriculars…I just didn’t mention them here because they are irrelevant to what I’m asking. Yea I think my problem is not taking any subject tests… :S</p>
<p>BTW, although your use of the word “notorious” is technically correct (one meaning of the word is preeminent), it more commonly is used as a pejorative (a synomym for infamous) so I would probably avoid using it as an adjective modifying JHU if you ever want to go there
<p>To answer your question, you should apply early to JHU if you are sure it is your first choice and you have no need to compare financial aid offers. Otherwise, no. Trying to predict your chances of admission is a waste of time; it is unknowable.</p>