<p>I'm a soon to be senior in a competitive public high school in california and it's my dream to go to NYU but I'm simply concerned about admissions for the different schools, since each of my three main interests/potential majors each has a different school (Education, Economics and Film for Steinhardt, Stern and Tisch respectively).</p>
<p>I'm thinking of applying to Steinhardt because Education is the main thing I'd wanna major in and easiest to get into from what I've heard and then cross-majoring/minoring in one of the other fields. Before you get mad at me I'm not just doing that cause I wanna take the easy way in, I actually am geninuiely interested in education and have worked with kids basically my whole life proven by over 300+ community service hours from various organizations that I've worked for, lead and some started all on my own. My only concern is that while I've had boatloads of on-the-job type of experience in the real world with education and helping out kids, my school doesn't offer any courses in child development or psychology, two courses I know are required for many education majors. I tried to take a class in them at a cc this summer but didn't get either and instead ended up taking MicroEconomics, which sparked a newfound interest in that.</p>
<p>At least with Economics or Film, even though I haven't had as much involvement outside of school (Though not nothing) I can say I've taken Media Arts 1/2-3/4 at my school, Micro in the summer and am signed up for AP macro and AP Stats next year.</p>
<p>What do you guys think? And thanks in advance</p>
<p>Take Steinhardt education if thats where your heart truly lies. Whether or not you took related courses in high school won’t matter for you admissions chances, if that’s what you’re worried about. If you’re not set on education, then Stern might work. It’s easiest to transfer out from Stern into another NYU school than the other way around. Not to mention it will probably set you up for the best future from a financially perspective. Granted, it’s probably harder to get into, so there’s that to think about.</p>
<p>Steinhardt or Stern, needless to say if studying film at Tisch isn’t your major and only focus, then you aren’t good enough to be there, just like w/ USC or UCLA film</p>
<p>Thanks for the advice guys
Yeah, I think I’ll apply to Steinhardt because although I haven’t had any courses in psych or CD on my high school transcript, I can claim all of the following:
-Over 300+ hours of Community Service
-Peer Tutor at my school, trying to get junior peer tutoring award this semester for 30 hours of Peer Tutoring
-Special Olympics coach for 4 years
-Angels on Stage (Special Ed drama) coach for 6 years
-Paid Student Director for Angels on stage starting next season.
-Link Crew Leader
-Job at Maxim Health Care.
-Started the Almaden Reporter this summer, a journalism program for inner-city under-privilaged elementary school students to boost their reading ability and writing potential
-Will be spreading the Reporter to 3 other elementary schools in the fall
-Marketing The Almaden Reporter idea to local businesses to gain money to donate to local libraries (Putting Economics and Education to work at once!)
-On the San Jose City Youth Commission promoting entrepreneurship, public education and public health with the City Council of San Jose.
-Varsity Wrestling and Cross Country (help out/lead kids in a different kind of way)</p>
<p>That isn’t my full list of EC’s but those are the ones that have proof I’m dedicated to helping people. Think those will make a difference? I also think applying to Steinhardt might help me because as I said earlier, I’m a good student but no where near the best (3.6 Unweighted GPA, 2080 SAT I, retaking SAT II and ACT cause they weren’t so hot
) and I think for Stern, that might not be competitive enough.</p>
<p>But could I still double major in economics or at Stern if I wanted to? Do I have to specify when I apply in the fall? Any other advice/tips you can give me?</p>
<p>You can’t cross-double major in Stern if you’re in another school only the other way around. You can cross-minor in Stern tho.</p>