Should I bother applying?(Bad CC Student)

<p>Asian Male
California Resident
Low Income-If that matters?
1890 SAT(640 CR, 720Math, 530 Writing), retook it again in December, Have no idea what I got.(Heres hoping for 2000+!)
Sat 2s 710 English Lit/720 Math 1/710 Math 2/ 650 US History/600 Bio.
GPA: Unweighted... 2.94/4? Weighted 3.7. Rigorous Courseload. Class rank... 84/480.
ECS: Weak. Have played the piano for 8 or so years... Haven't competed or won any competitions. Hmm, pretty much it.
Volunteered at a hospital for about 2 years. Around 150 hours I'm guessing. Worked as a poll worker on election day.
Applying Undeclared.</p>

<p>I know my SAT is below average(?) for NYU applicants. My unweighted GPA can be summed up in one word, atrocious. ECs... are pretty much nonexistant. Do you think that it would be worth it for me to apply RD, considering everything I have to do? I'm just looking for an opinion, thanks.</p>

<p>What school are you considering?</p>

<p>I mean, The worst thing they can do is reject you. I actually think you might have a shot, but it depends on what school you apply to.</p>

<p>and if u have a good essay.</p>

<p>CaS 10char</p>

<p>So, does anyone think I have a shot at CAS?</p>

<p>Um, I’m not sure. You might want to take a look at the ED acceptance stats thread, I think I saw a few CAS people post in there. Don’t rely too much on it though, because it’s pretty not a very good reflection of who they accept. But it’s better than nothing imo.</p>

<p>Ok, this might be because I applied to tisch, but i got a 1760 sat and i got in. so, just go for it man.</p>

<p>Tisch focuses a lot on your portfolio/audition/tape or whatever, whereas CAS is very numbers-focused, e.g SAT/GPA. You have a 2.9 GPA and an 1890. You’re already aware that this is well below avg for NYU, even your chances of LSP (undeclared students often get put into this) are extremely low, but I encourage you to apply and try really hard to stand out in your essay! So yeah, bother applying if you really want NYU. You never know…</p>