Should I cancel my scores?

<p>I am an international student and I just came home from the test centre and I am quite disappointed with my performance on the Subject tests.
I've taken the exact same tests in May and got a 650 on Math I and 680 on Physics. Today I feel I did a little better on Math I (around 680-700), but much worse on Physics (around 600). I am really considering cancelling my scores, as some of the colleges I''m going to apply to ask for all the scores. What should I do?</p>

<p>Even though they ask for all scores, they will probably only look at your top 2 or top 3. but Just in case, if you feel you did terrible, cancel it</p>

<p>I had a look on my list of colleges, and it seems like only Colgate University and Cornell University are asking for all my scores. In your opinion, what would look better?</p>

<p>650 Math I, 680 Physics
650 Math I, 680 Physics and 690 Math I and 600 Physics</p>

<p>PS: I am applying for Information Science (Cornell) and Computer Science (Colgate) if it has any importance.</p>