I applied to chapman regular decision via common app as a business adm major. And their app requires a short essay about why you chose that specific major. I want to change to a sociology major because it’s the closest and most relevant I can get to criminology, but since it’s a different school than business adm. I’m wondering if I should change my major to be accepted into the school of social sciences or wait to see if I get accepted into the school of business and then switch over. The school of business is probably more competitive so I may have higher chances with an application to social sciences but I don’t want to have to write another essay. Thanks!
Contact admissions to see if you can change your major prior to an acceptance or if you have to wait until you are accepted.
I did, I’m pretty sure I can do either because I they forwarded me to the counselor that will be reviewing my app so I can tell her to review it as if I was a sociology major instead. So I’m now wondering which I should do if both are possible