<p>Hi, I originially went to college deciding to pursue History, but fell in love with the topic of East Asian Studies, and prepared to transfer from the college I enrolled to pursue East Asian Studies as my major. After I have finished the transfer process, my parents are ambivalent about the path I chose to take, since I was not able to make in to more prestigious colleges that would help me to get in to best graduaute schools. Their friend is a Business Management professor in the college I will be attending, and has been telling my parents that Business Management will be a beneficial major in next 15 years.
I personally know nothing about the major, and I'm slightly biased, so I couldn't care less about this "hot major." But since the economy looks bleak, and my intended majors, (History/East Asian Studies) doesn't necessarily guarantee a stable job, I am not sure about what I should do. I believe that you should pursue something that you feel passionate about, and to me it is East Asian Studies. However, realistically speaking, it will not guarantee me a place for me in the future since some professors even get paid less than secondary school teachers. I argued to my mom that I think it is important to do what I feel passionate about, but she kind of smashed and shattered all that telling me that economy will not allow me to have a "successful" life. I hate to sound like a hypocrite, but as a first daughter, I kind of want to have a guaranteed job so I can pay back to my parents for supporting me through education. I heared that people don't necessarily have to have a extensive knowledge of math to major in business management, but I don't feel its the right kind of major for me to pursue. May be I am biased, and things can change if I start taking some classes related to it, but since I'll be a sophomore next semester, I kind of have to make a quick, thoughtful decision, that I won' regret making. I want to follow my dreams and passions, but the dire situation simply won't allow it. What should I do? Should I consider changing my major? Did any History majors made this kind of decision? Please help me!!!</p>
<p>Plan to go to grad school</p>
<p>Double major, if you think you’ll have the time</p>
<p>Tell your parents that you aren’t graduating today, when the economy is bad, you are graduating X years out</p>