Should I continue college?

<p>I only attended my first 2 years of college because it was something my family wanted for my life and because I did not see the point I got a 1.45 GPA which got me kicked out. I then decided to try a semester on a community college where I got a 0.0 GPA.</p>

<p>Soon after that, my mother told me that of all of her 4 children I was the one she regret the most. After hearing that I got a factory job, moved out of the house and decided to give school one more chance. I changed my major to something I really enjoyed and I was able to achieve a 3.8 GPA.</p>

<p>I am now begging to realize the importance of a degree and the opportunities it will bring me. However I am afraid that no other college will accept me due my grades in the past let alone a grad school.</p>

<p>I just need some advice on how to progress from here.</p>

<p>Thank You</p>

<p>is this situation that bad?</p>

<p>Apparently, you are going to college somewhere to achieve the 3.8 gpa.
What is your major?
Are you attending an accredited college?
Or is it an online college/for profit school?</p>

<p>Currently I am doing computer science at a local community college.</p>

<p>Talk to the cc counselor and disclose your full college history.
They help students like yourself who have taken the scenic route through college.
They can give you advice about 4 year schools you will be able to transfer into.</p>