Should I drop IB for Computer Science?

I am strongly considering choosing Computer Science as my planned major. If I was to attend an elite university, would IB be worth it? I am in Theater Arts, History, Chemistry, and English HL, and Spanish and Math SL. Unfortunately, SL is the only IB math offered at my school, and I do not feel challenged at all in Math SL. Because my school offers neither HL Math or Math Studies, my class ends up dragging behind for students that are more challenged in math. For example, we spent most of this week drawing the unit circle in class. Also, considering that my school is offering AP Computer Science next year, it is even more tempting to choose to switch to AP classes next year instead. I would be taking AP Calc AB instead of Math SL, would probably stay in my IB Chem class, and take on AP Lit, Gov, Music Theory, and Computer Science. Although I will probably get straight As in my first semester of IB, I have not breezed through my classes by any means. I have been extremely stressed out with IB this year, and am wondering if all the extra stress in classes completely unrelated to my career are worth it.

Lack of math HL indicates an IB program poorly suited for prospective math-heavy majors (including prospective CS majors).

Will math SL cover enough calculus for you to take the AP calculus AB exam? At some IB high schools, it does, but it may not at others (and your description suggests that it is behind at your high school).

Most kids that take the AP Calc AB exam end up taking AP Calc class alongside IB Math. She said that it is close to the same, however, she said I would need to learn some extra topics if I didn’t actually take the AP Calc class and wanted to take the exam.