Should I drop IB for senior year/ UMCP chances

<p>I plan on going to UMCP or UMBC to do engineering/physics/maths or possibly double major engineering with business.
I'm a current IB junior- these are my classes
IB HL Euro Hist1
IB HL Physics1
AP CALC Bc, or IB HL math 1
IB SL French
IB SL Enviro</p>

<p>This year, I will take ap exams: euro, lit, calc, enviro, psychology, and human geo.
At UMCP, getting 4's on ap euro, lit, and calc give me the same credits as perfects on IB hl history, eng, and math.</p>

<p>I was thinking of dropping out of IB, and taking this schedule for senior year:</p>

<p>Ap lang (english is required)
Ap chem (2 periods)
Ap bio (2 periods)
Ap Econ
IB Physics HL 2</p>

<p>This new schedule gives me almost 12 more credits at UMCP. Of course, there's no guarantee for my junior year AP scores, so this is a risk. Should I do it?
How hard were ap euro and lit to their IB counterparts?
Will colleges care that I dropped the full IB diploma?</p>