I’m an international high school student who goes to a british curriculum school in qatar (in the middle east) and I needed some advice on whether I should update my colleges with some recent updates.
The updates:-
I got an international award from an international mathematics challenge with which I attained a full scholarship with 10 other students across the entire world to attend Pisa, Italy to do some mathematical calculations regarding the leaning tower of Pisa.
I have been working with a professor from a local university on a research project for about 1 and a half years, and we are near the completion and are looking to publish the paper. It’s related to S. Hawking’s idea of 1/5 light speed acceleration using lasers. Note: I did mention this but didn’t mention its near completion
I won the best drummer award at my country’s national music competition
I recently started my own non-profit organization with the help of 2 of my friends and my dad. We help uneducated children earn a valid education throughout the world. We’re going on a trip to Nepal soon to hand children loads of mathematics related course books to aid them in their education. We earn our money through fundraisers throughout the country.
Most if not all of it hasn’t been put into my common app or anywhere and most of these colleges didn’t have an upload thing on their portals so I couldn’t upload an update resume. Thank you for the time in reading this. Do you think I should email these colleges with these updates? Would they be of any significance since decisions are literally out in 2-3 weeks?