Should I Even Bother with the ACT?

<p>I've been self-studying for the SAT pretty hard, and I have a 2150 right now, hopefully a 2250 in a couple of months. I'm confident that I can bring my score up to that point. </p>

<p>However, I have not studied at all yet for the ACT. My diagnostic score was about a 30. So my question is, should I even bother going through the trouble of taking the ACT? Does anyone know if it's possible to not show colleges your ACT score; only you SAT? </p>

<p>help is much appreciated :)</p>

<p>If you’re getting a 30 on the diagnostic, it’s definitely worth taking the ACT in my opinion. It’s a test you don’t really have to study for, unlike the SAT, but instead you just have to practice getting the timing down on all of the sections.</p>

<p>Worst case scenario is you get a bad score that colleges will never have to see. You never have to show colleges an ACT score that you don’t want to. If you don’t send them the score, they’ll never know you took it.</p>

<p>^ Agreed, I say go ahead and try it. You have absolutely nothing to lose except $45 or however much it costs.</p>

<p>Should I spend time to practice though? I’d have to spend some time taking the practice tests for timing purposes… I don’t know if that time would be better spend working on the SAT. </p>

<p>So just to make sure, you can refuse to show a college your ACT score even if you only took it once? Because if that’s the case, then it would show that I have never taken the ACT before, and not only will I be taking it outside of school, there is a state-mandated ACT.</p>
