Should I get my June SAT rescored?

<p>I will probably know more when the score report comes, but I was expecting a very high score on the math section and I got a 560. I think I messed up on my answer sheet because I was extremely confident on the math section and I read the answers thread here and I got a lot right.</p>

<p>$50 is a lot of money for a rescore, and I'm not sure I even circled all the answers in on my test book, but I know I didn't get such a low score. Should I just forget the SAT and take the ACT in September instead of paying the $50?</p>

<p>I'm not positive, but I think rescores are only for people who think there were computer errors, not who may have misfilled their bubbles. I mean, that's your own fault. And I don't think they look back at your test book either...</p>

<p>If I send in SAT II scores, will my SAT scores get sent too? I will just take the ACT, but I still need to send in my SAT IIs.</p>

<p>Wouldn't it be less expensive just to take the whole test once again?</p>

<p>I want to apply ED in the fall, the deadline is November 1st. I have to take subject tests on the October SAT date. I would love to retake it, but I'm more concerned with the fact that I know I did a lot better than a 560.</p>

<p>in that case mishtophoid i think you should request the rescore, since you dont really have a choice of retaking the sat anyways. and for the act, i highly recommend it. i did it with seriously no prep and got a 33. in any case, you dont have to report it. the math is easier imo too :) .</p>

<p>you can apply ED in the fall and take an SAT and SAT II...</p>

<p>i asked the Dartmouth dean and they said they'd accept one in October and one in November</p>

<p>Well preparing for the ACT or for taking the SAT again would cost you maybe more than 50 dollars in practice test books and guide books... not to mention it would waste time that you could have spent on something else.
Wait for one the score report somes out then see what to do...</p>

<p>The ED deadline for the school I want to go to is November 1st, I thought you would have to have all scores reported by then. But I will definitely ask the admissions office, thanks for your reply.</p>

<p>you can send in your scores late... it won't be in the package but you could do that...</p>

<p>My son also feels there was an error on his math score. He was extremely confident after the test, reworked every problem during the test and his score was significantly less than he expected. He also commented that he omitted 3 but his test only showed 1 omitt so we are wondering if we should rescore as well. After talking with CB they comment that they will only give out new score. They won't tell us if he bubbled in wrong or if they can see stray marks or any comments. I realize if he bubbled in wrong that is his fault and the score should not change but it would be nice to know. Thus he could be sure if he worked the problems correctly or not.</p>

i swear i omitted 2 but my score report said i only omitted one. Not really complaining that much because i did a lot better than i thought i had done. But still...i was pretty sure i omitted 2
what could you do in that situation?
or would it not even increase my score enough to matter?
i got a 700 on math btw</p>