Should I Go To Tech? Please Help!

<p>This weekend I went to 'Hokie Focus' and I feel like I am falling in love with VT. The campus is beautiful, the people are really nice and I truly feel like I could be happy at Virginia Tech. But I am still a bit hesitant. Can anyone tell me what campus life is really like? Also what is the Political Science department like at VT (I want to major in Poli Sci then go to law school.)</p>

<p>Please help me...I want to make the right decision!</p>

<p>I'm a political science major at VT... I know Tech isn't a liberal arts school, but it isn't too shabby either. My classes, and I've taken 6 this year inside my major, weren't easy. The professors are insightful and knowledgable. I really do feel like I am learning a lot from them. Most of the political science majors are dedicated and serious, because like I said, its not easy. It is important that you love to read and that you care about current affairs. Anything you specifically want to know, ask..</p>

<p>The academic and social experience here is amazing. The professors are incredible, and the name recognition of Tech coupled with its top-notch career services makes VT a great choice. Poli Sci is a pretty popular major here and I've heard nothing but good things from that department. Give in to the Hokie spirit!!</p>

<p>Thanks compgeek! So I take it that from what you've heard, VT has a strong Poli Sci department? Do you know if that department at VT is a good stepping stone towards law school? Also what about Greek life on campus?</p>

<p>I know someone who started out as an engineering major and switched to poili sci....his gpa was higher in engineering, ive heard its kinda hard</p>

<p>Yea I haven't taken any classes in the Poli Sci department personally, but my friend said his advisor mentioned that about a 1/3 of the graduation poli sci majors go to law school specifically. I would say out of all the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences majors, poli sci is the most prestigious.</p>

<p>i was there for the past 5 days and lived in harper with a buddy of mine. went to one frat party that was slightly a sausage fest, but met some pretty cool people. people are nice. met no jerks. beer is cheap at 3 bucks for all u can drink, but its natural light. jungle juice-- or rather pink lemonade and aristocrat is included. been to other parties and the price is the same.</p>

<p>peddrew yates is a lot more noisy and the atmosphere is much more friendly as people are chatting all the time. but at harper it's dead quiet. the couple girls i met there were nice though. but i definitely ran into a lot more guys than girls at harper.</p>

<p>food was pretty good. i'm one of the most finicky eaters. new river valley newspaper says mike's grill has a better burger than five guys. this is untrue. mike's grill makes better buns, but everything else is your generic burger, and they have greasy pizza too. all at a cheap price. but five guys is different because of their toppings... if they put their pizza toppings onto my burger, then i'd probably say that they were better...
so far i've only eaten at owens, west end, dx, and d2. dx i've thrown up every single time. food is bad. like high school cafeteria bad. d2 food is good on presentation but bad on execution. the food is your average americanized grease fare. tasty omeletes that would be better if they didn't drizzle too much fat on the grill before they fried it. owens has a really crappy asian place where the rice is not jasmine but it's uncle ben's. freshens ice cream is gross, but their smoothies are good. the international breakfast place i also ate at, which had great belgian waffles. now. west end. i've eaten at jp chop house, the sports bar place, and the "italian" place. italian was sort of a miss, but the chop house had awesome, awesome rib eye and great lobster. sports bar has great cheese fries among many many other things.</p>

<p>thinking about rushing next semester. people are cool in blacksburg.</p>

<p>damn, i'm ready for tech.</p>

<p>I dont know how seriously I would take the comments about the food... Not that food really matters, but Virginia Tech is ranked like 9th in the nation for its food which means it cant be THAT bad</p>

<p>The reason harper is more quiet is it's a disabilities dorm - ie. if you have medical issues, including asthma, you can request housing there. In general, its more laid back. PY is very friendly because its the leadership dorm. You have to apply to be a part of it. The traditional freshman dorms are AJ, Lee, Slusher (wing and tower), Pritchard, Newman, Johnson and a few others like Miles and Brodie. Freshman sometimes get lucky and live in East Campbell or West/Main Egg. </p>

<p>The food is amazing. Let's not lie to the people. If you didn't go to west end you missed out. You can get burgers from the "sports bar" and they're as good as applebees, ect. You can get fish- such as catfish, tuna, salmon, - made when you order, with sides like wild rice, and green beans. The wraps and pasta is so good. Apparently, you ate the wrong things. Owens, you just have to hit it at the right time. But at no point is it "high school cafe bad" </p>

<p>if you like py, apply for the leadership program, its the only way to live there- and if you live there you get to live in new res soph year (nicest dorm on campus) and super hard to get into unless you were in leadership</p>

<p>ahh, i didn't eat the wrong things... like i said, i'm just a finicky eater. hamburgers, if done right, will taste almost the same anywhere u go, and when i was there i wasn't in the mood for it... american style cooking for fish, at least what i've eaten, is sort of bland for my tastes, so i didn't go for it either. i can't remember their wild rice, so either i didn't eat it or i ate it but it was ok. green beans are cooked with too much butter. sort of greasy and make u feel sick. pasta is alright with an alfredo sauce that is too plain for me. not complex, just cream, cream cream, and cheese.</p>

<p>and maybe i exaggerated with dx... the chicken patties are still better than high school, and the beef patties are pretty much better, maybe a notch underneath wendy's to give u a proper perspective. nachos are pretty bad. idk, most of this food i ate late at night (or else i would have gone to west end) or after a party when i might have started to feel hungover. hunch punch does that to u.</p>

<p>oh yeah but the food is still f-ing good. like a lotta good, especialy their steak and lobster. god, good. cheese fries and lobster, as gross as it sounds, is really good. chef salad, simple and good too. feel good eating this stuff. like their rib eye.</p>

<p>What about the Greek system at VT?</p>

<p>Greek is awesome, I didn't rush this year, but I plan to do it next year. I have a ton of friends who do it- they ALL love it and met a ton of friends. One of my best guy friends is in a frat. But, with that said, if its not for you, then it's not a big deal. Like I said, I didn't do it this year and it hasn't been a negative effect on my experience at all.</p>