Should I go to VT?

Hi I’m a Senior from New Jersey and I got into Virginia Tech for Engineering. They gave me 3,000 a year and I’m hoping for scholarships but is it even worth it? I got into Rutgers Engineering, TCNJ Engineering (Honors College), Drexel Engineering (with co-op), and Rowan Engineering. I also plan on getting a Master’s since I want to do research. This is the aid they gave me:

Rutgers:3,500 a year
Rowan: 10,000 a year
Drexel: 34,500 a year
Tcnj: 5,000 a year

I might also do an ensemble at one of these colleges too. Thanks!

Not as much how much they gave you what is your net cost. Virginia tech is a great school but you have to weigh against return in invenstment.

It’d be around 38,000 for vt at the moment per year. I am also paying for college, not my parents (though they said they’d give 1000/2000 a year for it).

And where are you going to get the 38k to fund your education at VT?

I’d go with Rutgers… 3500 is a cheaper option and can be financed via a job with a plus if your parents give you 2000… keep your debt for grad school but being close to NyC is a huge plus

Va Tech is a great school but go where you will have the lowest expenses as long as the engineering program is strong. You do not want to end up with any unnecessary debt. Be wary of financial aid packages that are mostly loans. Do not take out any private loans. Good luck.

actually skelpy never answered the cost of other colleges - she say the $ showing are the aid she got (which I would assume is the amount giving off tuition but Skelpy never says what each schools tuition is. I would assume Rutgers would have lowest original tuition amount.

Here’s the amount each would cost including everything :
Drexel: 34,500
Rutgers: 26,000
tcnj: 25,000
Rowan: 17,000
Vt: 38,000

There are a couple different ways you can look at this. First is cost - do you want to spend up to $84k more on your undergrad degree when you plan to get a Master’s and do research instead of entering the workforce? How important is campus life and location? All your options aside from VT are close to home and a more urban environment. I also doubt they have the same level of student engagement and spirit as VT, but how much does that matter to you and at what cost? I’d personally suggest that you pick one of the cheaper options for your undergrad degree since you’ll be funding the bulk of the cost.

The Rowan options seems pretty enticing - especially if your going for your masters afterwards. I would say visit Rutgers/TCNJ/Rowan and see which you feel most comfortable at. Key here is have good experience and get good grades so you can get in a good masters program (maybe then VT).

Drexel and VT don’t make much sense for you right now.

Nephew graduated a few years ago summa cum laude Chem Eng from Rutgers. He had A LOT of chances at research during his undergrad time at Rutgers and has had many career options. Rutgers is a strong name recognition school with a lot of alumni so that would be a plus too over TCNJ and Rowan. TCNJ is a solid school but still not huge name recognition outside tri-state area (parents and other family are alumni, S1 accepted but did not choose for Nursing) VT is a great school and we are looking at it for S2 so if money is not an issue go with your favorite. Sorry I am not really familiar with Drexel other than knowing several people who have gone there and loved it, done well in their Nursing Dept.