<p>So I've seen a lot of threads mentioning the cliche of some topics.
EX: Parents immigrating and giving their child a better education. </p>
<p>Should I include something in my essay like how that is my situation, but I'm not going to write about it?</p>
<p>Here's a ROUGH example:
"So many things in our world shape our dreams and aspirations, but for me, it wasn't my parents immigrating and giving up everything for me, it wasn't my winning race in cross country, but the most important was ______________."</p>
<p>Should I include something along those lines?
Because in the beginning I was planning on how my parents immigrating affected me, but realized how cliche it was.. But I'd still like the AdCom to know that about me.</p>
<p>PM me the essay and I can see how it works. It should be fine but don't force it if it woldn't naturally fit there. Another option is to just write your essay about your topic, and mention the immigration in the "additional info" part of your application.</p>
<p>There are NO cliche topics. There are only cliche TREATMENTS of topics.</p>
<p>I've read some wonderful and successful essays about immigration, actually.</p>
<p>Consider that when you say such-and-such is not the case you bring that very thing to mind. What conclusion did when Richard Nixon invite when he said "I am not a crook"?</p>
<p>No, don't provide that kind of distraction (for me it wasn't this, or that.. ) Just focus on what you want to talk about. If you want the officer to know somethoing unique about you, yet not write it in an essay, chances are they'll get clues from other sources at some point.</p>
<p>Plus, if I read "but for me, it wasn't my parents immigrating and giving up everything for me, it wasn't my winning race in cross country, but the most important was"</p>
<p>the last thing in my mind is that you're actually from an immigrant family.</p>