Should I list that I’m a school winner for AMC?

The past year was basically the first year I school offered AMC and I somehow earned 1st place at my school. However, my score was about 70, which is way lower than the AIME cutoff. Should I still list this in my awards section of my college apps? I was concerned because a good portion of students applying to t20s qualify for AIME, and the colleges I’m applying to will know that I didn’t qualify. On the other hand, it’ll still show that I’m trying to compete in stem areas. I can also mention how it was the first year my school has ever offered a math competition.

D24 had a similar situation ; she won 1st place at her school 2 years in a row (but didn’t qualify for AIME) ; she just listed it in the description of her activities with Mu Alpha Theta ( math honor society), since that is the organization at her school that sponsored the test .

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