Should I major in communications?

I’m a freshman starting up community college, looking to transfer in 2 years hopefully, this year and my current major is Business Management and I’m not sure if I want to stay with it. I originally chose it because I wanted to be involved in some kind of real estate when I get older because I’ve always an interest in homes. I am starting to question my decision, I am currently in English class (required), Geography for general ed, Business Statistics, and Macroeconomics. I am good at math at all and this also a factor thats making me question my decision because I know there will be a lot of difficult math involved. I was thinking of changing my major to Communications, I’m sure I will need to take some sort of math class but not as difficult as business math. I would like to receive feedback from those with experience. Should I stick with my major? If I did take communications what will the class be like and what should I expect from it? Do I need to take general math class for that major? Will there be steady job options for me if I get a degree in communications? I would ask a counselor all of this but it’s so difficult to have an in depth conversation with one because they are always busy. Any response would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much!