Should I put this under Awards/ECs

Back in 8th grade i qualified as one of 32 kids to compete in the National Middle School History Bee, sponsored by the History Channel. They eliminated half, and I moved forward as one of sixteen. They then broadcast the had us compete in “playoffs”, which was filmed and later broadcast on the History channel nationally. I didn’t win, but I was in the playoffs and final sixteen (knocked out in that round :frowning: ) I intend to major in history and later law school, so I was wondering is this would be something i should put on my applications,even though it was in 8th grade, and whether under Extra curriculars or Awards. (Also, I plan on applying to Princeton, Yale, and Columbia- among others) Thanks.

I’d put it if you don’t have any other significant things to list. My guess is that if you were of that caliber in 8th grade, you should have much more to decorate your resume with.

Yeah, I’ve got a few other awards (DECA state finalist, WKU history challenge finalist 3 years) and I’ve been captain of the Quiz bowl team since 7th grade, I was just wondering if it was relevant due to my prospective major. Thanks for the input

If you think that this award tops over (better-value) your awards from HS, then you should replace it on CA.

If you have nothing else I guess but all the schools I’ve applied to have wanted ECs/Awards from 9th grade and up.

I wouldn’t use anything like that from 8th grade unless you were the National Spelling Bee champion (or maybe, the runner-up)