Should I re-take?

<p>I am signed up for the June SAT and I just got my May results.</p>

<p>CR: 650
Math: 760
WR: 620</p>


<p>I am very happy with math, but I've scored from 680-700 on CR and WR practice tests. Should I retake? I've never gotten that high (1410) on any practice tests, if I get lower in all three scores, will it hurt my chances of admission (I am not looking at Ivies, but an engineering school). My scores should be good enough to get in, but since I'm signed up, would it hurt me to take it again and get lower in all three sections (I probably won't, but just in case)</p>

<p>If your school does superscore ore score choice it can’t hurt. If not, just don’t bother. If the scores are good enough why sit through it again</p>

<p>If you are signed up for the June sat, then definitely take it again. There’s no point in cancelling your score and losing 50$ and an opportunity for a higher score.</p>

<p>The school I am applying to asks to send all scores. </p>

<p>Is it worth risking taking it again to get a higher score, if ALL 3 could be lower? Here is a possibility of what could happen:</p>

<p>[Have to send all scores, but college superscores]</p>

<p>Scenario 1 (Best Case):</p>

<p>May - M:760, CR: 650, WR: 620 (1410/1600, 2030/2400)
June - M:680, CR: 700, WR: 680 (1380/1600, 2060/2400)
Superscore - M: 760, CR: 700, WR: 680 (1460/1600, 2140/2400)</p>

<p>Scenario 2 (Worst Case):</p>

<p>May - M:760, CR: 650, WR: 620 (1410/1600, 2030/2400)
June - M: 680, CR: 630, WR: 600 (1310/1600, 1910/2400)</p>

<p>If Scenario 2 does happen, will my chances at admission decrease?</p>

<p>Which colleges are you thinking about (I’m sure you want to apply to more than the one you mentioned ) and why do yo think you’re going to get a 680 on Math if you got 760 last test? Anyways, I think it would be a good idea for you to take it again because I doubt getting a slightly lower score is going to hurt your application, and the university will probably consider your best SAT and even if you do a little worse, they’re not going to sit there and take away your 2140.</p>

<p>I’m not sure why I’d get a 680, just saying worst case, maybe I choke. In all honesty, I thought the math on the May SAT was extremely easy (I’m pretty sure I got some triangle one wrong because of stupid mistakes, and the prime number one wrong), way easier than any practice test I’ve taken (BB). Also, I am applying early decision so if I did get in, I would not apply anywhere else because it’s binding. I just wanted to know if I get lower in all 3 categories and I have to send both tests, would it hurt me because that one is completely lower?</p>

<p>It won’t hurt you.</p>