Should I retake A class that I got a D in?

As a Freshmen I did not take high school too seriously and I got a D for a total of 2 semesters in two different classes, Lab bio and ASL. My schedule for the Junior and Senior year are going to be pretty busy but I would be able to fit in the two classes my senior year but I am hesitant to do this because I was want to instead take an addition 2 computer science classes or engineering classes. If I don’t retake the classes and instead take the additional classes that I am interested in, will that look worse than if I just retook the Lab bio and ASL?

Here is my Schedule for the my Junior and Senior year.(I’m on a 4X4 schedule)


Term 1
1.Introduction to Engineering Design
2.ComputerScience 2
3.Math Analysis H
4.Spanish for Spanish Spkers2

1.Principles of Engineering
2.AP Physics
3.AP Lang/comp


1.AP Calc A/B
2.AP Gov
3.AP Lit
4. (Computer Game Programing?/Aero Space Engineering?)

1.AP Calc B/C
2.AP Stats
4. (Web Programming?/Digital Electronics ?)