Should I retake/audit Algebra then take Pre-Calculus?

Hello All!

So here’s my ordeal, I haven’t taken any type of Algebra or seen it since I was a junior in high school…circa 2010. I recently passed trigonometry during a Winter course at my college and passed with an A. I’m now enrolled in Pre-Calculus and we’re doing a review of Algebra based concepts and I’m completely lost, nothing and none of the material looks familiar to me, maybe only factoring binomials. I’m a Microbiology major so reaching Calc II to transfer is a necessity. Science courses are a breeze for me and I do well in Physics too.

My question is, is it wise to audit an Algebra course to fully refresh/relearn Algebra, THEN take Pre-Calculus? Or is it a waste of time? My GPA is 3.8 right now, so the last thing I want to do is dive into the Calculus courses without a solid foundation, scrape by with B’s and C’s and ruin my GPA.

Thank you!