Should I retake the ACT?

I want to get into A&M and I’ve got pretty good scores but I’m still worried I wont get in since I don’t have a 30 for automatic admission. I’ve taken it twice already and did worse the second time. Anyone have any tips for studying/cheap study materials?

Here’s my stats:
February 2019
Composite 29
Math 26
Science 27
Reading 31
English 33

April 2019
Composite 28
Math 25
Science 27
Reading 26
English 31

Take the SAT, too! And definitely add the writing/essay portion to each test.
We have a friend who did Khan Academy for SAT, and had amazing results!

If you haven’t already buy one of the study books, like Barron’s or Kaplan, and make that book your best friend. Study it daily. Take lots of practice tests. See if there is a fellow student who tutors for the test.

Yes! The relief of being academic admit is worth the $ and time to take again. My daughter took again a couple weeks after graduation and made score she needed. Had acceptance end of September. Stress free Senior year.

Get the “5lb book of act problems” by Manhattan press. My son’s tutor used this and study the subsets your having issues with then take the full tests and go over what you got wrong. Use the examples and Kahn academy. If you can get a tutor (college graduates make good inexpensive tutors… Look it up), to hone down on what to improve. You need a handful of correct questions to get to your goal.

Also like 5 weeks prior start taking the full tests every Saturday. Wake up at the same time… Like the same routine. You can go to a library and use the “quiet” room with a timer or watch and take the tests with included breaks. This is hard to do but people swear by it.

I would after heavy prep, particularly with heavy math prep since your math sub scores are also below the academic admit threshold.

Unfortunately this year there were many examples of scores of 28 and 29 that got PSA, my daughter included.

@laurawrites… definitely. AND, if you are close to TAMU, schedule the residual ACT on campus. It applies only to TAMU but you get scores next day. It is more expensive though and you can’t write on the exam at all. AND yes, take the SAT as well… you have time!

Thank you so much for all the tips! I already took the SAT in November and got no where near the results I wanted so I thought I might as well take the ACT instead and got much better scores.

I’m not sure if youtube links work on CC - but I stumbled across tips from a student that use the free resources out there. It includes taking practice test for something like five weekends - every Saturday morning at the same time the real test would be. It seems like a major commitment and self discipline - but the results could be worth it.