Should I retake?

<p>If I retake... it will be my 3rd time... I was just wondering if its really worth it...</p>

<p>720m 690v 730w..... Like the first time I took it, I forgot to do 2 pages on math... got a 680.... this time i missed 3 on math and got a 720 which is why i think someone hates me alot... </p>

<p>I'm in multivariable cal and linal.... why does test kick my ass so badly? </p>

<p>Anyways.... I'm taking math 2c and chem in june... if I get a good score on math.... should I refrain from retaking the SAT once again... because I know I'll prolly screw up again.</p>

<p>Colleges I'm interested in:
Carnegie Mellon, Georgia Tech, Case Western, UVA, UMaa, UT, Upenn, Uminessota..... my standards lower everytime I take this stupid test....</p>

<p>anyways.... advice?</p>

<p>Practice, practice, oh yeah , and some more practice. That's all you can do, but unless you feel you can raise your score by at least 100 points, don't retake it.</p>