Should I Retake?

On the June ACT, I received a 35 C (36E 32M 34R 36S). I am planning to apply to many BS/MD programs and some schools with good computer science programs, like Carnegie Mellon and UIUC.
Should I retake to get a higher score in Math? I have an 800 in the Math Level 2 subject test, have taken both AP Calc classes, and am taking Honors Calc III next year, so I’m wondering if that would make up for my low score.

Do not retake. As there is no ability to superscore ACT subsections, and there is no certainty of doing as well, it is a gamble that just isn’t worth it.

Get a great recommendation from a math teacher.

Don’t retake. Once you hit a certain score, universities don’t care and move to other parts of your application.

Don’t retake you did amazing