should I rush???

<p>I am a transfer starting in January. I just got a place in tower plaza and my lease is gonna be up in september. I really wanted to rush a frat in the fall (actually rush in winter and move into the house when my lease is up). I really want to be in a frat. I am pre-med and I like the idea of the community service that frats get involved in and the opportunity to meet new people and be a part of something fun. My only concern is, by the fall I will be a junior and I will be 24 years old (I was in the military for 3 years) so I'm not sure if I am "too old" for the frat scene. Do you guys think I should rush???</p>

<p>You would be a good 6 years older than most of the people rushing. I think 24 is a bit old to be in a frat, but you can try if you want, although you might feel a bit out of place at a regular frat. Maybe you should try the pre-med fraternity or another professional frat.</p>

<p>guys, Mitch was 29 and Frank the Tank was at least 30. The message of the movie was that being retarded only gets more fun with age.</p>

<p>never mind blue.</p>

<p>are there any frats where the members are traditionally a little older? And are there at least a few guys in most of the frats that are 22, 23 or so? I mean...I'm not an old man...still a college kid who wants to have a good time.</p>

<p>You may want to look at one of the organizations that are for grad students. There's one called Rackham Social Club or something like that. Grad students like to have fun too.</p>

<p>Take that back! I never had fun as a grad student!</p>

<p>Just kidding. Grad school at Michigan was one of the best times in my life.</p>