Should I send my TOEFL score?

<p>Hi I am an international applicant for Northwestern (<3) </p>

<p>My SAT reading score is 760 :) (yay but I bombed my Math T.T) </p>

<p>BUT my TOEFL score is abysmal as I got 104 out of 120.
I got perfect scores (30) for Reading, Speaking and Listening but got 14 for writing.... Um, apparently one of my essays was not submitted woot :0 </p>

<p>Should I send my TOEFL score or no?
Northwestern does not require TOEFL if I have above 600(?) for reading.
BUT at the same time, I want to accentuate the fact that I am an international applicant... </p>

<p>What should I do? </p>

<p>Thanks and good luck for all those prospective wildcats :) meow!</p>

<p>Don’t send. I think their average is 110 and 105 is the “unofficial” cutoff. So it’s gonna hurt you. Of course, they are aware. Internationals’ applications go to a different pile, especially for FA determination purposes.</p>