Should I Slow Down or?

<p>I am making quite a few careless errors in math. I usually finish the section in about 15 minutes out of 25, give or take a few. I usually don't check over since its practice but since the PSAT is up next week, what should i do? Should i just hope to check over work on test day? or should i slow down to reduce careless errors? or should i do it at the same speed and work on checking over? or other suggestions? Xiggi,Silverturtle,Crazybandit? ideas?</p>

<p>Yes, i can probably do a section in 5 minutes, but i reread every question about 20 times so i rarely get a math question wrong.</p>

<p>okay… i could care less how quickly you can complete the section… but i guess you’re one of those people who are super careful first time through?</p>

<p>I am really really careful the first time around in practice tests. I finish within the first 10 minutes, check everything and not make any changes and get them all.</p>

<p>In the real deal I get nervous and check things UBER LOTS OF MUCH and I finish in the last 5 minutes lol.</p>

<p>i see… bump would like to hear more suggestions.</p>

<p>Actually, i go super careful first time AND also recheck a couple of times. hehehe</p>

<p>is this for math or all of the sections?</p>


<p>same situation so a free bump to you sir.</p>

<p>bump ye olde thread</p>

<p>I would like to hear this too. Keep making the STUPIDEST errors ever.</p>

<p>ik right… bUMP bump bump</p>

<p>Just finished a math section with -0 using a new strategy.</p>

<p>This time, I carelessly rushed through the section - 10 minutes
Then I went back and checked each answer carefully - 10 minutes (I already figured it out beforehand)</p>

<p>Found 1 error this way. :)</p>

<p>I’ll try this again tommorow, I’ve done way to much SAT for one day (crying over my 2380 that went poof due to my -3Math).</p>

<p>mmm yeah. i find that math i just gotta read a little more carefully and hope to fnish quicker and allow my self ample time to check over.</p>

