<p>I was wondering if it would be a good idea to apply for transfer of Fall of 2011. </p>
<p>I'm going to have an Associates in the Arts before I enter my freshmen semester in the Fall of 2010 in the Honors program in a small Liberal Arts College. I'm trying to shift as much emphasis as possible from my high school record, so I was wondering if staying two years instead of one at my LAC would be more beneficial.</p>
<p>I will have completed 40 credits in my senior year of high school as dual credit, and about 20 in the summer before my freshmen year. I plan on completing about 40 in my Freshmen year.</p>
<p>I called some of the schools that I wanted to transfer to, such as GWU, AU, Wake Forest, and William and Mary. GWU, AU, and Wake Forest said they would put minimal to no emphasis on my high school record because I am transferring more than 24-30 credits in. Although, W&M said they would put equal emphasis on high school as well as my college record.</p>
<p>What should I do? Please let me know if you guys need any more information.</p>
<p>You can always try, if it doesn’t happen, apply for Fall '12.
Took me two cycles as well, but it worked out.</p>
<p>Just curious, why did you take so many courses during hs? Taking a few math courses to take higher AP’s is one thing, but youre going to have an Associates when you leave hs, damn.</p>
<p>Yeah, I was thinking that, but then won’t the people at the school I’m going to be staying at for the extra year REALLY be ****ed off? Especially if I’m in the Honors program and have a full ride? I don’t see how I’d be able to carry on for another year with that kind of horrible rep. It just feels like I apply for Fall of 2011 and transfer out, or I wait one year and then apply for the Fall of 2012.</p>
<p>Thanks for the compliment. The reason I took so many courses is the exact reason why I hope there isn’t much emphasis put on my high school record. I have transferred high schools a couple of times, and my Freshmen and Sophomore years were filled with a good amount of Honors/Pre-AP/AP courses. Although, I was just a mediocre student. For my Junior and Senior year, for a variety of reasons, I transferred to a private school where there were no Honors/Pre-AP/AP courses. After my Junior year, I realized I had to challenge myself if I had any chance of getting into a decent college and getting a scholarship. I began taking dual-credit, and once I go the hang of it, I signed up for a ton of classes. Thank God, it worked out, and I’m hoping to finish up my AA with a 4.0 GPA with pretty rigorous courses.</p>
<p>However, my AA will count as my high school record, and I don’t know how W&M, Vanderbilt, Georgetown, BC and the rest of the top 30 schools are going to assess my record.</p>
<p>And, if I stay for one more year, I’ll have 140 credits for transfer. I know only 60 will transfer, if even that, but I know that that point my high school record will be looked at very lightly. But, I don’t even know if schools will accept me with THAT many courses.</p>
<p>What would you think of getting your BA (for free!), maybe enjoying a year abroad, and then using the extra money/time/resources getting an MA? It seems as if you’ve got a pretty good situation where you are. What school is it, or at least, why do you want to transfer? The schools you are looking at are really good, but I don’t know if they beat free PLUS being that much closer to your BA.</p>
<p>I’ve always wanted to go to a top ranked school, and this LAC is relatively unknown. Also, the school hasn’t ever sent anyone to a top law school, or even out of state for that matter. Moreover, even if I got a BA or an MA from the school, I doubt that it would hold much weight.</p>