Should I stay in full IB?

Hi guys:)
Okay so i had A’s and like one B from freshman year to sophomore year…until i decided to do full IB. Even though I’ve been trying my best, my grades now are not what i want them to be and i feel like colleges wont be able to see my full potential because of this…so i kinda regret signing up for the full thing. If i were to quit I would only quit ib art and ib history because i dont like those at all:((( Also, I havent been able to find time to study alot for the SAT (highest score is 1430, super score is 1520). My weighted GPA after this year is: 3.7960.
I havent received my final grades for this year but my predicted are:

Econ and Pers finance: A
IB Art HL: A
IB History: C
IB Math Studies: C (I have gotten a better hang of this class now so no worries)
IB Biology HL: C+ (loved this class. I had a B all year but got burnt out from other classes and failed the final exam)
IB English: A
IB French: A-

Im scared I wont do any better next year!

Recieved my final marks.

IB History: C-
IB Math Studies: C+
IB Biology: C+
IB French: B+
IB English: A
IB Art HL: A
econ and per finance: A
