<p>I am going to take the March SAT and was wondering what would be the best way to study vocab? What book should I use? How many words should I memorize a day?</p>
<p>Memorizing vocab, I find, really isn’t that beneficial.
(However, I do vocab lists weekly in my English class)
I would suggest memorizing Latin roots… seems like the easiest and fastest way to go.
<p>So I should just learn latin / greek roots instead of vocab?</p>
<p>go to amazon purchase direct hits (2010 editions) and read the books/ make index cards of every word and test yourself weekly it really really helps direct hits is amazing!</p>
<p>Yep, it’s the fastest way to see results on the vocab section of the SAT.
Plus, prefixes and suffixes will improve your word attack skills. (Trust me, it carries over into other classes )</p>
<p>if you’ve had good english teachers, you really dont need to memorize vocab, but if you havent learned the basic SAT vocab from school, you should probably look thru a few vocab lists.
the sparknotes list is pretty good imo, and the xiggi list (if you have the willpower) could also help.</p>
<p>A few years ago I would tell you to not waste your time studying vocabulary. Now, however, with the advent of Direct Hits, studying vocabulary is highly advantageous. Buy both versions of the Direct Hit vocab series. There are around 400 vocab words (200/book) in Direct Hits, and they very often appear on the PSAT/SAT. On the Saturday PSAT I recently took in October, EVERY word on the PSAT was in Direct Hits. You have a bunch of time until March, so break up the words anyway you choose. Maybe memorize 5 everyday, 10 every other day, 25 a week…what ever works for you. The bottom line is just know all the words by March.</p>
<p>Yes, you should study vocab! You’ve got plenty of time till March, so there’s no reason not to do it. Everyone here is a big advocate of Direct Hits, which is great, no doubt. But, you’ve got months, and there’s no reason to stop at 400 words. Poke around on the forums for lots of vocabulary suggestions. I personally like word-nerd.com - also be sure to look at the CR discussion threads for the last few tests. The same words do come up over and over, so it’s worth being sure you know those words! Good luck to you.</p>
<p>If you have time, make index cards for the dictionary.</p>
<p>Or just study the prefixes and have a general idea of semi-sophisticated words. If you nail 15/16 out of the 19, you are in good shape. </p>
<p>Vocab is only super critical when you have a mid to high CR700 score and you need those last points. Otherwise, it is pointless to study massive lists for 10 points.</p>