Should I take Ap calculus or Ap stats

<p>So at first I had my mind set on taking Ap stats for my sophomore year math class because I want to be an economics major and also Ap calculus is super impossibly hard at my school and I am already taking 6 other Aps as a sophomore. But now I am beginning to think colleges aren't going to accept me because I took stats instead of calc sophomore year. I am going to do IB which is basically ap calc and more material and I will more than likely take the ap calc test after IB but I want to go to an ivy league school and I don't know which to take. Thanks!</p>

<p>If you already took Pre-Calculus take AP Calc. If i was you though avoid IB, unless you really want to do it. IB kids at my school usually take AP Stats 12th grade</p>

<p>AP Stats is generally the easier class, so it would be a good idea to take italong with your 5 or whatever other AP’s you have. Just out of curiosity, if you take all of those AP classes won’t you have to retake some of the subjects as IB in order to get the diploma?</p>

<p>Edit: Honestly, I don’t think colleges will care what year you take a math class as long as you take it in your 4 years of HS.</p>

<p>take both</p>

<p>or take one this year and one the next</p>

<p>I don’t have room for both. Also calc is yearlong (ab-bc 1 each semester) where as stats is only a semester so I would have to drop an Ap class in order to take calc. I know stats would be easier, better for my major in college and more interesting to me. I just don’t want colleges to think I took the easy road by taking stats before calc.</p>

<p>Calculus is used in almost every college Econ class. Stats isn’t.</p>