<p>I already got a 5 on AP English Language and I looked at the UC AP credit table and it said that each gives 8 credits for a maximum of 8. So it seems pointless to take the Eng. Lit. But when I looked at the AP credit table for Berkeley's College of Arts and Sciences it says that a 5 on the Eng. Lit test fullfils entire Reading and Composition requirement.</p>
<p>DEFINITELY TAKE IT!! I am so happy I got a five on that exam and did not have to do either of the R&C classes … there are pointless. take the test and try your best to get a 5!</p>
<p>Maybe not hard, but an extra bother. I’d definitely say to get rid of requirements if you can. However, be reasonably sure you can get a 5 before.</p>
<p>just take it because it’s fun. hahaha
or my class was. my teacher at school didn’t even really prepare us until the last 3 weeks. i ended up with a 4 which really disappointed me, but i had a great time with my friends in that class. (hell, we even got to watch 24 for a few weeks lol)</p>
<p>Well I’m already in the AP English Lit. class it’s just that our teacher doesn’t really focus on the AP test that much.
I’m planning to major in biochem. if it matters but I think I’ll gonna take the AP test then. </p>
<p>Question: How about AP gov. and AP psych? Similar situation with those two, taking the class, not really prepared though. Is psych 101 really boring or should I just take psych 101 at Cal?</p>
<p>So many people taking AP Lit have said similar things that I think this becomes entirely a nonissue, and what you want to do is practice the kind of writing samples they require you to do. Maybe also some sample questions. Beyond that, it’s a question of maturity in writing, but I’d familiarize myself with what AP in particular expects, given you really want to try for a 5.</p>