I am aiming for Georgia tech, in state. Freshmen year i got a 60 in geometry and its holding my GPA down. as a junior this year i am taking ap stat, apush, ap lang. spanish 3, acclerated pre caclulus and physics. Since i have no aps from freshmen or sophmore and tech is very competitive, i am scheduled to take college gov over the summer, do an internship at a math center, and volunteer at a hospital, with a 3.3 gpa i know this is not enough for tech, next year i am taking ap environmental, ap literature, ap macro/micro, ap calculus ab and a medical internship. I want to take AP physics C instead of AP phychology(which i was scheuled to take) because I genuinely enjoyed regular physics and in order to show admissions ive grown as a student since freshmen year, would this be worth it to take it senior year? or even possible without a calculus background? also i have a 1520 on the sat if that helps anything, thank you for any insight
If you can’t take a derivative, it’s probably not a good idea to do so
@beepybeetle They’d be taking calc ab concurrently though.
It depends, AP Physics C is a tough course and it’s a lot of calc. If you’re taking it concurrently, you could do it, but looking at your course load, all AP’s, you might be overloading yourself, not sure I would do it. At least in my D’s school, it was a ton of extra hw outside of class, plus you have to factor in another lab period.
@bodangles But if they’re learning calculus concurrently, and encounter a concept in Physics C that uses a calculus concept that OP has not yet learned (like volume of revolutions or something), then he’d be in trouble
@beepybeetle At my high school most students only made it to Calc 1 senior year, so teachers were aware that this was a problem and taught accordingly by acting as if each calc concept was being seen for the very first time for everyone.
Perhaps OP should ask the physics teacher if theirs will be taught similarly.
@bodangles Agree. My HS has juniors that finish with Calc BC, so our Physics classes are much faster paced
Physics C is designed to run concurrent with AB. My son did that his junior year.
hi! i’m taking ap physics c right now at the same time as ap calc ab!
i haven’t really had any problems with the math parts at all really, so i think you should be fine!
of course, it depends how your teacher would teach the course–ask them if they think it’s doable to take calc ab and physics c at the same time