Should I take Biology or Chemistry?

<p>I will self-study and take the Subject Test in the fall. This is to fulfill MIT’s science requirement. Should I go with Biology or Chemistry?</p>

<li><p>If I am aiming for 710+, which test should I take? (easier curve, easier to self-study, etc)</p></li>
<li><p>Which book(s) would help me achieve that score? (Barron’s, Kaplan, Princeton, maybe all 3?)</p></li>

<p>P.S: This is my background within each of those subjects:</p>

<p>Biology: Freshman honors course: B
Chemistry: Summer course before junior year: A</p>

<p>wow this was the same question I had with all the MIT science stuff:)… All the books say you should take the one you feel most comfortable at. I think I am gonna take chem. because biology is more memorizing so you should probably give more time; but I am still not sure…</p>

<p>bump 10char!</p>