Should i take IB chem, physics, or computer science HL to be an engineer/computer scientist?

My class schedule:
Math AA HL
Physics HL
Computer Science HL
English HL (this like the standard level for my school, and SL is considered studies)
Economics SL
Mandarin B SL
I was thinking of changing my computer science class to chemistry, and to continue computer science as on online class or see if I can follow along after school and talking to the teacher and take the exam/projects.
I didn’t like chemistry last year, but I think it was the teacher, and that’d I’d probably do better this year and I want to grow my possibilities of interests. But I’m not sure if it’s worth it when I could take an easier class (because I have background in coding) and something I know I’m interested in.

I would look at what is needed for college.
For STEM, colleges want you to take Bio, Chem and Physics.
If you want to be an engineer, you will need to take Physics and Chem in College, so it is important to be prepared. I (a long time ago) took Honors Chem in HS and did fine in Chem in college.
If you want to be a computer scientist…look at potential colleges of interest to see what is required for a B.S or a BA in Comp Sci…do you need to take Chem? If not then you dont’ need to take more.
I think it is good to explore CS in HS to make sure you like it.

I think your schedule is excellent as is. Ultimately, with IB, not only are you selected for your subject choice wrt major but also or how many points you get. There’s be no difference for your major based on CS v chemistry so I’d choose based on whether you can expect a 5,6, or 7.