Bio, Chem or Physics

Going into jr year and class choices are due in a few weeks, please respond and thank you in advance to the ppl that do

What sciences should I take and at what level if I wanna go into engineering or medical. Like what would be the best base for college? Also at what level should I take math?
^ 2 HL spots and 1 SL

It is generally a good idea to have all three of biology, chemistry, and physics in high school (they do not necessarily have to be IB SL or HL courses).

thats not possible for me, i have taken those classes in previous years but for the IB specifically I can only take 2

Depends on the kind of engineering you are interested in. In generally physics is the underpinning of most engineering disciplines so that should be one choice. The second could be either chemistry or biology depending on your interest. Just remember that as an engineering student you will be required to take at least general chemistry in college.

If engineering is on the radar, my vote would be physics and chem and the highest level math you can get reach at your school.

Physics, Chemistry HL and Math SL. (Not math studies).