Should I take SAT biology subject test?


So I’m a freshmen. I took the AP bio test a few weeks ago off self-studying (I did the curriculum’s honors bio course as a normal course alongside it, as my school doesn’t offer AP courses freshman year). I am planning on an engineering major, most likely software or mechanical, but most likely not planning on a bio-related major. I know the material pretty well and I think I can get a good score on it (I think I did pretty well on AP, pretty sure I got a 5, definitely a 4). I just don’t know if it actually is worth taking it. Will it give me any perks with admissions officers/universities? Just as a reference, I plan to apply to all ivies (won’t get in nor do I want to go there) and a decent amount of tier I colleges (Carnegie, Georgia Tech, etc.) Basically what I am asking is, “should a likely engineering major take SAT biology if he can score well on it?”

Thanks in advance

correction*** said that I am applying to all ivies (won’t get in nor do I want to go there) ::: I meant to say that I am applying to all besides Harvard (won’t get in nor do I want to go there)

At UCSD, the BS Computer Science program requires that you pick two courses in either Physics, Chemistry, or Biology. (It is different from Computer Engineering which requires three Physics courses.) So I think there is a close enough connection and that it would impress the admissions officers.

Thanks for the prompt reply. Most likely will sign up for SAT bio :smiley: