I might retake it after I get into college, just for bragging rights
Get a life, maybe?</p>
I might retake it after I get into college, just for bragging rights
Get a life, maybe?</p>
<p>and get a friend</p>
<p>your graphing calculator is NOT your friend!</p>
<p>Oh come on, those who don't care about SAT are the real idiots. </p>
<p>I'd say 790 is very good. And the thing about he arrongant thing that colleges might see, that could be true... so don't retake</p>
<p>And besides, a graphing calculator is one of the best friends a person can have.</p>
I might retake it after I get into college, just for bragging rights
You won't be able to get the girls off you with that 800!!!</p>
<p>This thread is leading to nowhere.</p>
<p>@ the OP: How do u know that you would get an 800 if you retake Chem? There's a marginal gap b/w 790 and 800 which can only be filled in by some luck. You may well score lower than 790 next time. No, do not be so obsessive!</p>
You won't be able to get the girls off you with that 800!!!
<p>Although you said it sarcastically, that is actually true when you're among smart people. I mean come on, smarter = hotter. And don't get into that argument where you say, "scores aren't everything!" Of course they aren't everything. Nothing can be everything except for everything itself. But that is by definition of everything. Scores are only the most accurate and convenient way we have of measuring intelligence. Sure they aren't 100% right, but you would be crazy to say that idiots get more 800s than geniuses.</p>
<p>I bet you didn't even get a 790.</p>
<p>Bragging threads blow .. hard.</p>
Although you said it sarcastically, that is actually true when you're among smart people. I mean come on, smarter = hotter
Believe me, nobody cares about what you got on your SAT IIs. This is coming from someone who hangs out around smart people.</p>
<p>Also, I agree with what you said about scores being an accurate and standardized way of measuring intelligence. I'm not one of those people who believes someone can pull off high scores or high GPAs just with effort and also that those who get high scores/grades are to be commended, regardless of whether they are "smart" or not.</p>
<p>lmao is this thread serious? I think anyone asking this question is too obsessed. And come on man, i know i would brag too if i got a 800, but just think for a second.......who would care what you got? </p>
<p>I dont think girls are particularly attracted to a 800 more than they are a 700, to be honest lol</p>
<p>If you don't realize that a 790 and an 800 are essentially the same grade, you don't deserve the 800 you got in math.</p>
<p>700= kiss
800= u getting laid!
LOL, just wanted to add to the comments :p</p>
<p>But ya seriously, 750-800 are pretty much the same in the eyes of most colleges</p>
<p>Actually, I think 790 is good enough for even MIT. For chem, the curve isn't huge, so there's not that much difference between 790 and 800.</p>
<p>If you got a 790 on physics though, you'd be skrewed. </p>
<p>Anyhow, 700 and 800 are NOT the same thing. 700= ordinary, nothing special but 800 means there might be something there. It's like comparing 2100 and 2400. It's a huge range. You'd have trouble getting into HPYS if you got a 2100. Yes, scores are a big chunk of your resume. Not everything, but a big chunk.</p>
<p>750+ is fine for any top school.</p>
700= ordinary, nothing special but 800 means there might be something there.
Stop speaking so authoritatively like you're on an admissions committee.</p>
<p>i dont think this thread is serious...but if it is, heres my answer:</p>
<p>if i were in MIT admissions, i would probably reject a person who retook a 790. especially in chem, which is said to be one of the hardest subject tests.</p>
<p>anything above a 750 will do it, im pretty sure. why waste time, money, and energy</p>
<p>If money and time are no problem: I say go ahead and retake it. Why not? </p>
<p>Colleges will see it as proof of your dedication to high quality work. Fanaticism, when put to constructive use, is a good thing.</p>
Colleges will see it as proof of your dedication to high quality work.
I doubt that. I don't think they'll care at all. After a certain point, there is no use in trying to get a higher score. The OP is past that point.</p>