<p>Im a Junior and took my first ACT Dec 14th. My scores were as follows:
Composite: 33
English: 36
Math: 36
Reading: 29
I am an international student and English is my second language. I will be applying to a variety of math/engineering/technology universities such as Georgia Tech, Harvey Mudd, etc.
I am not sure if I should retake to improve the Reading and Science scores because I'm not entirely confident I can match the 36's in English and Math. I had gotten 33-35 on all the practice tests I did and the 36's were a bit of a surprise. Should I retake the ACT?</p>
<p>You have an excellent score already. If I were you, I probably would not retake unless I planned on working really hard to review and study so you can improve as opposed to regress. When you receive a score like 33, it is harder to increase and there is some room for your English/Math scores to potentially decrease, hence drive your composite down. You can probably counter that from happening by doing some intensive practice on all the sections before you retake, granted you do want to retake. Congrats on the 33 though!</p>